The Economy of Being Wild as it Relates to Sweetness in the Long and Short Run: Who’s Example to Follow?
How Sweet it is! Thank you for visiting this page and I hope you are better for it just for being here and reading part or all of what is being passed along to you.
Expressing the wild sweetness of generosity without cost is possible. What does this mean at Wilding Education?
Welcome to the first blog on Wilding Education’s blog-page and hello. I feel honored to be writing here as an “awareness enthusiast” personally and professionally, as well as being Storm Stewart’s mother!
Awareness enthusiasm (commitment) is a pathway to building a beautiful interior life reflecting our true and wild innermost nature. At Wilding Education I encourage the question of how and in what way can we nurture the true sweetness of our connection to nature, naturally, in and all around us?
My background is in the immediate access to potency of meditation practices for the last 30 years. To know more go to
The wild is stronger for our inclusion of ourselves in it, for the truth is we too are inherently wild and our diversity in culture, dynamic, distinct or blended colors, friendly bacteria, unique rhythm in all of our intelligences, the balance of interactions with all the kingdoms living around, underneath and above us, all contributing to our robust strength and resilience. This Blog is about how to best take care of the biology that is our human bodies so to be as diverse or grow to be as deeply diverse in our district gifts as the Amazon forest, Washington’s temperate forests, any and all thriving bio-cultures, within ourselves and then, thus, impacting the interactions with family and community. To strengthen our ability to wonder and wander into the treasure in the depths of our joy awaiting our glimpse of proactive awareness of what it means to nourish our fullest capacities for joy.
We Have Resources of Observations Available to Compare and Be Informed By To
Ensure Our Sweet Success!
The practical side of sweetness and how it might effect our societal financial wealth and other aspects of well being as showing to be determined at an early age and deciphering the contradictions of messaging from different government agencies and then to observe one very interesting animal that may reveal a phenomenon that is relative and relevant to us and might just make us smile!
Three Windows Into Differing Examples of How Certain Sugars Effect Us or Are or Are Not Recommended to Us:
Our own personal economic outcomes when consuming processed table sugar during childhood in the abstract from NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) here attached in full and linked for your to read at your leisure. December 2022 publication.
A non-consensus new opinion from a government agency that now encourages a “moderate” intake of table sugar and how that compares to the other government agencies findings in September of 2022 and a link for further study.
Why naked mole rats thrive for the entire lengthened lifespan by a factor of ten or more and how this has translated to related outcomes in some human communities in the world, including my 100+ year old thriving yoga loving neighbor. Citations included.
So, foremost I promote awareness of how sweetness effects the economy of wildlife within our own biological mechanisms and how this awareness can lend to a thriving longevity of the wilderness of joy to flourish in all areas of our lives individually, medically and in our diverse inner economy and vast community.
Example One
The following is an NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) abstract Titled ‘THE SWEET LIFE: THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF A SUGAR-RICH EARLY CHILDHOOD. First published December 2022
What does sugar rich equate to? Dig in to this paper! 3 Oreos and a half a can of soda equivalent will do quite some damage, while being publicly treated as innocuous.
This whole paper is worth a read, line by line and absorbed thoroughly. It is a transparent study that is funded in both a transparent and conflict free manner and that was indicated early on in the paper as a very important aspect in having an unadulterated outcome.
In just the ABSTRACT it verbalizes that a “sugar-rich (later in the paper describing the amounts in grams or examples of 3 Oreos and a half a can of soda equivalent) diet early in life has large adverse effects on the health and economic well-being of adults more than fifty years later.” It mentions in the abstract that such an early inclusion of table sugar, and in the paper this is also called “free sugar” in the early years leads to a later adult prevalence of chronic inflamaiotn, diabetes, elevated cholesterol and arthritis. What is also remarked is how the inclusion of table sugar in early life is identified as an isolated factor in the decreased the accumulation of above median wealth, across a lifespan. The introduction of this paper is potently filled with eye opening and compelling data that needs to be read and perhaps re-read frequently and shared with family and friends.
The paper mentions and fresh fruit and vegetable sugars and not a contributing factor to any detriments found, and even to the contrary, historically showing to beneficial to our health.
We don’t need a paper to tell us this, as we do know this intuitively. That is the crux, isn’t it? To follow our intuition is the key!
So here, let’s have some berries! Already, just looking at this, do you feel better?
That’s wild!
2. Example two: Another study and another metric in late 2022 from Tufts University as funded for research, in part, by the NIH (National Institute of Health).
In this study from Tufts University in 2022 paid for, in part, by the NIH (National Institute for Health) is the New Official Guidepost for the FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration) newest Nutrition Guidance Platform to Use in the Food Pyramid that is being planned for an update for a new policy integration rollout in 2025 using Tuft University findings as it’s basis and not informed by other research, for example, the NBER findings shown in example one.
The numbers 0-100 represents the official food rating system of the “Food Compass Score” FCS. 0 is worst and 100 best.
The research timelines almost overlap in 2022 between NBER and the FDA new basis for the new food guidelines; however, the recommendations are incongruent. Notedly, in 2022 brand names are included in the slotted FDA’s food guideline recommendations scheduled for rollout in 2025. Their boundaries are shifting away from pure food categories into processed and packaged brand names.
I might understand that kids might want a wish-list of foods to consider healthy and Lucky Charms, I can imagine being uttered popularly by name! Whose wishlist is this being fulfilled? I understand that technically the check-boxes at publicly funded school lunch and breakfast programs that Lucky Charms is a winner if showing that kids are consuming it as a part of a “healthy array of food options” … and I cannot imagine being a parent with a kid coming home after artificial colors, flavors and sugar content consumption has occurred and that some scientific research shows that sugar shows to be as addictive as cocaine in brain MRI scans. Looks like the NBER and the FDA actions recommended on their observations are in a great departure of one from the other. I have heard rumors that the differing government agencies were historically separated in intelligence, by design. We are in a new era of what is considered healthy and it is good to be aware of which lucky charm you want in your life to build your bones, joints, myelin sheathing, future economic security, future secondary education prospects, etc. Being aware of the choices we make personally may differ from the popular fragmented governing guidance and that our children need to perhaps also see and be aware that not all food choices are made alike. Is a calorie just a calorie? Is a Lucky Charms Calorie the same or better than a whole egg fried in butter calorie, actually? Maybe this Food Rating System is saying that it is. Is is possible to have our children eat fresh watermelon and kale when the United States Department of Agriculture only invests 4% of all agriculture subsidies into fruits and vegetables aside from corn, wheat, sugar cane, sugar beet, soy, canola, etc. and considers the rest of the vegetables and fruits as novel to our diet at least when it comes to funding?
One Lucky Charm is made of ingredients that is highly funded and subsidized while the other Lucky Charm is wild or nominally funded. What is the real price in the short term and long term? Which one makes you feel the most fortunate? Which one adds to the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease? Now in 2023 over 10% of all children born in the United States have fatty liver disease and 25% of our children have fatty livers by age five, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). Many studies show that table sugar, and to a lessor degree processed grains, are a major contributing factor to fatty liver disease and fatty livers.
How to read the compass of your developing intuitive self awareness in relationship to the natural environment is the skillset that will serve us well as we wade through the communities around us experiences conflicting outcomes in research and an epidemic of diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases.
There is research that teaches us that in the simplicity of non-processed foods there is a sound basis and proof of prevention. This blog is about hope and a secure footing in knowing our rightful place in the world that is profoundly beautiful the closer we draw to nature. We do. That’s us. It is a joyful path. Now on the the third incredible example of our friend, the naked mole rat!
3. Example three
The Naked Mole Rat has something in common with some of us! With some of the best of us! This rat is out of the bag, wonderful things have been found our and now you’re about to find out a little bit about this, too. Who knew such and “ugly” rat is such a friend, by example?
One Curious Indication of Incredible Health: Un-waning Fertility.
Just this one aspect is worth taking a look upon. Some humans also have shown incredible longevity in fertility but they are the exception. As we keep reading below, more to the why this is possible will be further explored.
Roots, Tubers, Mushrooms, Oh My!
The average rat or mouse lives for two years and rarely longer. The Naked Mole Rat on average? Some have been found to be 30 years old! Below another further and key dietary insight will be added. I know I want to have the “super sugar” molecule. How sweet it that?
Singapore study 2 pounds of mushrooms no more alzheimers.
Even button mushrooms.
Rat eats this and tubers…. bacteria gut bacteria is the same in 105 + year old thriving elderly. Gundry.
Plant Paradox and Longevity Paradox. Cite.
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